Shoddy Reflection of Deity

I know.
The one-hundred-twenty-dollar jeans and the
Name-brand, form-fitting shirt and the
Sparkly, hangy-down things from the cute little crocheted hat...
All that stuff
draws attention to itself.
The Birkin bag and shiny, high-heeled crocs
Serve as tempting
Drawing the eyes and the
Mind away from what the bling disguises,
What the make-up hides,
What the glitter and highlights transform into an
The image we all strive to attain.

But try to see past all that.
Because underneath the grimy
Filter of fashion and
Caked-on cosmetics lies a
Person, just like you and me, with
Feelings, and family, and

Beauty is only skin-deep. It
But once the pesky prettiness is
Washed away, what
Remains is


  1. Preach! This is beautiful, Melody. And so, so true. "Whatever is true, whatever is noble..." :)

    ~ Country Girl's Daybook, recently posted: March for Life, 2014 →

  2. Yes, what remains truly is remarkable!


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