May, Day 1: 250 Words About Me

Okay, so call me crazy, but I decided to do another blog challenge, this one being to blog every day in May! I'm a couple hours late getting this first post up, but here it is!

"The Story of My Life in 250 Words or Less" (mine is exactly 250 words, thank you):

I’m a 31-year-old Buckeye who has lived in Missouri for 10 years (it will be 11 in August). My undergraduate school, Messenger College, was in Joplin when I attended (the school is now in Dallas, TX), and then I moved on to my master’s studies in Springfield, MO, where I live now. I’ll be finished with my master’s this year, and I’m not quite sure what to do next. I’ve thought about studying history. Eventually I will get a doctorate and become a professor, very likely of some sort of subject like theology, or maybe Church history. Until I decide, I’m thinking about becoming a truck driver for a few years, getting paid to travel, and taking the opportunity to pay down some of my student loans. (How cool would it be, years from now when I am a fancy-schmancy professor, to tell my students, “I’ve been a truck driver,” and not be lying?!) 

Things I love include coffee, driving, nature, reading, music, deep discussions, and my adorable pets!

To give you an idea what kind of person I am, I seriously thought about going around and counting the words of people’s posts and mentioning it in comments for them…not because I am really that annoying, but because I find mockery of that kind of annoyingness really funny. (Fun fact, I typed this in Word so I could count my words, and it did not underline “annoyingness.” It must really be a word! Another fun fact, it did underline “schmancy.”)


  1. Wow that sounds like a great journey! Definitely you should do the truck driving! Would be a great job! Jumping over with 'Blog Everyday in May', saying Hi from Australia, from Kate @redemption in progress!

  2. You are brave after doing April bloghop. I wish you well with this,
    I will look in to see how you're doing but due to committents can't take part.


    1. I understand other commitments! I plan to visit your blog when I see you post, too. Take care!

  3. I think you should definitely do the truck driver thing. I would if I had the chance! Nice to meet you!


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